Monday 9 May 2011

Misnomer Of The Week: Deadline

With the amount of deadlines I've missed, I should be in hell, and Osama should be fetching me beer.

This word should be restricted to be used only by surgeons, safety engineers, pilots, soldiers and so on. In these fields missing a deadline means that someone could or will actually die. In my field there are no real deadlines, but I created a list of all things similar, in the chronological order (more less):

1. Wishfuline. Impossible to meet, set only to win a tender, and to be renegotiated later.
2. Funline. Still impossible, but we can't just say we were joking about the wishfuline, so we're working on setting a realistic deadline in baby steps. That's a first. The number of funlines can be really impressive.
3. Realine. Could be met if we were real flawless professionals, who never slack, and the client really knew what he wanted. Will that ever happen? Not likely, unless one client would want exactly what we just sold to another. Then we could fix that solution for him and call it new.
4. Shameline. The product is handed over to the customer, it's lame, has many defects, but we have to pretend it works because we can't postpone anymore.
5. Happyline. There's some kind of support agreement, which allows us to actually fix the product, so it would have at least 10% of the quality our sales team promised.
6. Terrorline. The product is a piece of shit and the client is threating to sue us unless we fix it by yesterday. The client has a deal with our competition and just need some formal court-friendly excuse to cut us off. Even in these circumstances it's still not a deadline, not even close.

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