Saturday 28 May 2011

Natural Medicine

Natural medicine propaganda is based on the assumption, that if it's natural it must be good, while non-natural things are definitely bad. Moreover classical medicine is accused of being "chemical" and focused on money-making. I wonder how these “prosecutors” drink water. It's so chemical! It consists of oxygen and hydrogen! Both of these two elements are really flammable, so its combination is probably what hell is made of. H2O is dangerous and should be avoided at all cost, if we're serious about shunning chemistry. As for the money-making issue you should see the prices of all that so-called "natural" meds. It's definitely not free, and the hidden cost is what you really should consider.

The "nature is oh-so-great" argument is seriously wrong. After all these years of living in civilization, most people don't realize what nature really is. Do you know how nature solves problems like sick/lame/challenged baby? It kills the baby. So you have a broken leg? Sorry, die. What do you prefer? Living in the building or in the forest? Do you like spaghetti or perhaps you prefer raw meat instead? Would you like to hunt in the woods, dismember and flay the carcass with your bare hands or just buy the fillet in the shop? And if you fail to hunt anything, would you accept the natural starvation?

So why the hell would you even consider using some suspicious herb from some Granny the Healer instead of legit drug from a pharmacy?

If your body needs some substance, you can get it from eating something that has it or just take a pill. If you'll choose the pill, you'll have some sort of guarantee, that you've really taken the right substance, proper amount of, and nothing else that you don't need.

The "natural" approach means that you don't control anything, specifically:
1. You don't know, if you have taken any substance. If the meal has been incorrectly prepared or stored, substance could be deprived of its healing properties. Granny the Healer doesn't have any medical or pharmaceutical education. In Poland you can't even sell a condom in the pharmacy unless you're at least a pharmaceutical technician, which requires 2 years of studying and passing an exam.
2. How much did you take? Precision is a vice of chemical, money-making drug industry, while overdose or underdose is so very natural.
3. What else did you take? Real drugs are cleaned from anything unnecessary to avoid conflicts and possible allergic reaction. But aren't allergic reactions natural? So is a death from anaphylactic shock.
4. All real drugs are carefully tested for side effects, but aren't that uncertainty natural and precious? Granny the Healer probably didn't care much for blinded placebo-controlled studies.

Ignorance is anything but bliss in this case. The most natural effect of using natural medicine is a natural death.

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