Monday 14 March 2011

To Cough Or Not To Cough

So there's a baby. Babies are so much fun. Parents, on the other hand, don't have much fun, so the baby could have some. It's a circle of life. There's The Second Law Of Funodynamics which clearly states that fun tend to equilibrate over time in an isolated physical system.

Anyway. While the baby is sleeping, you're in heaven. You wouldn't want that to change, would you? But it's frigging winter, and everyone has a cold. You need to cough, and you need to do this quietly. The baby has just got asleep, and it's in teething mode, so the sleep is as stable as pre-menstrual teen on drugs. What do you do? What do parental survival manuals recommend?

Well, I took two pillows and a quilt. Quilt on the top, myself in the middle, two pillows against my mouth. And I tried to cough as quiet as possible.

The baby woke up anyway.


  1. Yup, that's a good method to prevent a person from coughing. But you gotta keep the pillow pressed firmly against the cougher's mouth for at least 10 minutes. It's a bit long, but - as Germs say - "Langsam, aber sicher".

  2. Nice... You seem to think that Allies won the WWII, because they had a secret weapon - Domestos (which as we know kills all known germs dead).

    As for the method - I can't help but think about side effects.

    So you hate the Germans and want me dead... Who said that marriage makes you a better pearson? ;-)
